Snotty noses and all those other symptoms that make you feel miserable, are fairly common in horses. Without a thorough investigation, diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause, sinus disease can become chronic, and will severely limit the horse's health and...
Dr Jennifer Stewart talks about Body Condition Scoring
Dr Shannon Lee talks with Dr Jennifer Stewart about Body Condition Scoring and how you can use this important tool to keep your horse in top condition.
Assoc. Prof. Gary Wilson talks to Dr Shannon Lee about horse teeth.
Assoc. Prof. Gary Wilson talks to Dr Shannon Lee about horse teeth.
Are you feeding the right supplement for bighead?
In this 13 minute video Dr Shannon Lee talks with Dr Jennifer Stewart about "Big Head" - Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (NSH) - in horses.Dr Stewart explains:That "bighead" is only the end stage of the disease! Your horse can have soft weak bones without...
Protect yourself against Hendra!
Dr Shannon Lee talks about biosecurity with regard to hendra virus. Click here to register your interest in vaccination!
Hendra Vaccination Day – Tieri
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Hendra Virus Infographic
Equine Reproduction: Stallions
Dr Shannon Lee talks to Dr John Chopin about equine reproduction issues and management with respect to stallions.
Laminitis…. not just a risk for fat ponies
Laminitis or founder is a disease of domestication, unfortunately laminitis can be a fatal condition of horses or ponies, but it is not necessarily a death sentence if the condition is picked up early. Causes of laminitis may vary and we will discuss these, but...
How to prevent Bighead
After recent rains our Central Queensland Pastures are looking amazing, unfortunately that's bad news for horses as fresh lush buffel grass is one of the worse situations for causing bighead in horses.These videos from Dr Jennifer Stewart, creator of the Calsorb...