Join Our Family at Gray Street Veterinary ClinicSenior Mixed Animal Veterinarian, Emerald, Queensland.
Keep your pets’ paws away from these foods
When it comes to tucker time for your pet, here's a list of foods to keep off limits: Chocolate, coffee and caffeine - these contain theobromine and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even death in dogs Grapes, sultanas and raisins - can cause sudden kidney failure in...
Hendra Case in Ballina!/NSWHendraHQ Horse dies from #Hendra at Ballina. NSW DPI has quarantined the property. Two other horses on the property showing no signs illness.
Hendra Virus – Public Information Night
Hendra Virus – Information for horse owners
hendra_facts_for_horse_owners.pdf Download this file
Tick Fever – Gray Street Veterinary Clinic
TICK FEVER in CENTRAL HIGHLANDS DISTRICT With the increasing number of properties recently found to have cattle ticks on cattle within the "Tick Free Zone", you may find this short reveiw on tick fever benficial for your enterprise. Various sizes of the...
DONT LET JACK FROST GET YOUR BEST MATE THIS WINTER posted Jun 3, 2011 11:53 AM by Jess Dodson [ updated Jun 3, 2011 12:20 PM ] Winter has definitely set in during the past few nights in Emerald which has really slowed down our older canine friends! With plenty...
Leptospirosis – a threat to dogs in wet weather.
Recently I was contacted by some concerned owners regarding the untimely demises of their beloved Labrador. Their dog was suspected of having leptospirosis, a severe bacterial disease that is often fatal. Leptospirosis is transmitted through body fluids...
Tick threat in ‘tick free’ zone
Tick threat in 'tick free' zone 16 Mar, 2011 02:02 PM CATTLE producers in central western Queensland are advised to monitor their livestock for cattle ticks and be alert for symptoms of tick fever. Ticks have recently been found on cattle at five properties in the...
Bighead in Central Queensland
You may be well aware that ‘bighead’ is a preventable and treatable condition common in paddock horses in Central highlands district. However this past wet season over Christmas 2010 and January 2011 has resulted in an above normal amount...